Articles by wheaties
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago by wheaties
I know this site hasn't seen much love over the past few years. I have been planning to revamp the site for quite some time now, and I feel the time is very close to actually do it. I plan to upgrade much of the software used by the QuoteBoards, and there will be plenty of optimization along the way.
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago by wheaties
I apologize to any of you who actually use the site for the recent unannounced and prolonged downtime. My hosting service expired and I needed to port everything a new server. No data should have been lost at all.
Given that the core code for this site hasn't changed in several years, I didn't put much effort into making sure that the site is fully operational just yet. I plan to do a rewrite in the...
Posted 16 years, 5 months ago by wheaties
I've added a couple of fun things to the site. I hope you like them!
Posted 16 years, 6 months ago by wheaties
Now it's even *easier* to remember what you want to remember! By simply highlighting some text on a Web page and clicking a button, you can add quotes to your QuoteBoard!
Posted 16 years, 6 months ago by wheaties
Now you can easily include the quotes you add on on your own Web site!
Posted 16 years, 6 months ago by wheaties
Thanks to `Puck `_, you can all enjoy several new features on the site. Puck has been kind enough to suggest these changes, and I've heeded his suggestions.
Posted 16 years, 6 months ago by wheaties
So I'm on a roll. I've made more updates to the site already today. I just implemented a per-user RSS feed, which is quite handy if you find that one person continually adds useful quotes (like dirid51 and you want to stay on top of them). You can get per-user RSS feeds by using something like (or replace dirid51 with whatever username you want to follow).
I also...
Posted 16 years, 6 months ago by wheaties
So there have been a lot of recent changes with Django, the framework that Quote Boards is built on. I've tried to adapt to the changes as time goes on, but it apparently hasn't worked too well. Many users have received error messages all over the website. I got tired of Quote Boards being out of date, so I decided to do a complete re-code of the site this past weekend.
What you...
Posted 17 years, 2 months ago by wheaties
Once again, you may have noticed that I've updated the interface to QuoteBoards quite a bit. The previous layout worked perfectly fine on all of my computers, but I received numerous reports of things not working well at all with Internet Explorer. I spent many hours investigating the causes of the problems, but I came up empty-handed. I thought a lot about the problems and I came to the conclusion that it...
Posted 17 years, 2 months ago by wheaties
I've made a lot of changes to the site recently. Among the most obvious are changes to the user interface to make it easier to get around the website. I've also tried to fix the quote addition form so you aren't necessarily required to enter all information.
I've added links on your own quotes to allow you to edit and delete quotes that you have added to your quote board. These links are...