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No worries, no responsibilities, just living in the moment.
Speaker: JerrySource: Without a Paddle (2004)Posted: 10 Feb 2009 at 10:35 PMComments: None... Be the first to comment!
No worries, no responsibilities, just living in the moment.
For the past twenty-five years, culture has been obsessed with making males and females more alike, and that’s fine. Maybe it’s even enlightened. But what I’ve noticed – at least among young people – is that this convergence has mostly just prompted females to adopt the worst qualities of men. It’s like girls are trying to attain equality by becoming equally shallow and selfish. Whenever I see TV shows like Fox’s defunct Ally McBeal or HBO’s Sex and the City, I find myself perplexed as to how this is sometimes viewed as an “advancement” for feminism; it seems to imply that it’s empowering for women to think like all of the stupidest men I know (myself included).