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Recognize that enduring happiness comes from what you are, not from what you have.
Speaker: Richard G. ScottPosted: 21 Aug 2008 at 9:23 AMComments: None... Be the first to comment!
Recognize that enduring happiness comes from what you are, not from what you have.
Kindness will beget friendship and favor, but anger or passion will drive away sympathy. To win one’s respect and confidence, approach him mildly, kindly. No friendship was ever gained by an attack upon principle or upon man, but by calm reason and the lowly Spirit of Truth.
If you have built for a man a better house than his own, and he is willing to accept yours and forsake his, then, and not till then, should you proceed to tear down the old structure. Rotten though it may be it will require some time for it to lose all its charms and fond memories of its former occupant. Therefore let him, not you, proceed to tear it away. Kindness and courtesy are the primal elements of gentility.