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There would not be very many broken rules if one missionary just said to the other ‘Let’s not do that. It’s not good.’
Speaker: AnonymousPosted: 21 Aug 2008 at 1:33 PMComments: None... Be the first to comment!
There would not be very many broken rules if one missionary just said to the other ‘Let’s not do that. It’s not good.’
Brothers and sisters, I believe that if we could truly understand the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, we would realize how precious is one son or daughter of God. I believe our Heavenly Father’s everlasting purpose for His children Is generally achieved by the small and simple things we do for one another. At the heart of the English word ‘atonement’ is the word ‘one.’
If all mankind understood this, there would never be anyone with whom we would not be concerned, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, or social or economic standing. We would strive to emulate the Savior and would never be unkind, indifferent, disrespectful, or insensitive to others.