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If you cannot win yourself, then make the one ahead of you break the record.
Speaker: AnonymousPosted: 21 Aug 2008 at 3:08 PMComments: None... Be the first to comment!
If you cannot win yourself, then make the one ahead of you break the record.
That seemed about right to me, ten minutes an hour. It was probably about right for the program, because he was a detective, and it was more important for him and for the viewers that he spent the biggest chunk of his time on solving the murders. But I think even if you’re not in a TV program, then ten minutes an hour is about right for your problems. This David Fawley was unemployed, so there was a fair old chance that he spent sixty minutes an hour thinking about his ex-wife and his children, and when you do that, you’re bound to end up on the roof of Toppers’ House.