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The only tyrant I accept is the ‘still small voice’ within.
Speaker: Mohandas GandhiPosted: 21 Aug 2008 at 3:26 PMComments: None... Be the first to comment!
The only tyrant I accept is the ‘still small voice’ within.
The next day at the homecoming dance, I saw them dancing together. Dave and his girl. And I got really mad. It kind of scared me how mad I got. I thought about walking up to Dave and really hurting him like maybe I should have really hurt Sean. And I think I would have, but Sam saw me and put her arm around my shoulder like she does. She calmed me down, and I guess I’m glad she did because I think I would have gotten even madder if I had started hitting Dave, and his girl stopped me because she loved him. I think I would have gotten even madder about that.