Browsing Quotes With Tag: constitution (3)
Under the old system the question was how to read the Constitution; under the new approach, the question is whether to read the Constitution.
Speaker: Attorney General Edwin Meese, IIIPosted: 21 Nov 2011 at 9:57 PMComments: None... Be the first to comment! -
The constitution does not provide for first and second class citizens.
Speaker: Wendell WilkiePosted: 28 Jul 2009 at 11:30 PMComments: None... Be the first to comment! -
The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks … It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.
Speaker: Samuel AdamsPosted: 10 Feb 2009 at 9:02 AMComments: None... Be the first to comment!