Browsing Quotes With Tag: hilarious (1)
Why, at my family gatherings, do we always have to end up youtubing funny cat videos..
Speaker: Taylor SwiftPosted: 04 Jan 2011 at 9:37 PMComments: None... Be the first to comment!
Why, at my family gatherings, do we always have to end up youtubing funny cat videos..
Interestingly, a person can allow himself to be vulnerable on the surface of his life if he still retains a deep God/Christ-centered invulnerability. Then he can afford to be gentle and soft, to give and take, to give love without demanding anything in return – and that of course leaves him open to rebuffs and disappointments on occasion. But when a person is deeply vulnerable, centered on something other than God and therefore not securely rooted, he can’t afford to be vulnerable on the surface, or he risks being simply wiped out.